'Visit to ERC grantee' Fellowship Programmes 2017'

24 May 2017 by Admin Little Stoke

Lost Frontiers has agreed to participate in the ERC Fellowship Programme 2017
The European Research Council (ERC) is launching a call for expression of interest regarding Visiting Fellowship Programmes. The aim of the scheme is to promote the widening of participation of researchers with a high potential in the ERC calls.

The Scientific Council of the ERC believes that increasing the international exposure of researchers can help them to develop their full research potential. For this reason the ERC has invited relevant national and regional authorities in Europe to fund potential ERC candidates from the country or the region to visit teams of existing ERC Principal Investigators. The purpose is to offer these potential candidates an opportunity to broaden and strengthen their research profile and vision in an internationally competitive research environment before applying for an ERC grant.

To this end, several national and regional organisations (listed below) have set up and put in place “Fellowship to Visit ERC Grantee” programmes in line with guidelines issued by the Scientific Council of the ERC1. Since the first call in 2016, two new institutions have joined the scheme and further organisations are expected to develop similar programmes in the future.


Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)

Czech Republic

Czech Science Foundation (GA CR)


Estonian Research Council (ETAg)


National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)


National Science Center (NCN)


Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)


Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)

Slovak Republic

Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)

These programmes are open to researchers of all disciplines and the main evaluation criterion for the applicants is their potential to be awarded an ERC grant on the basis of the quality of their research aiming for excellence. These programmes cover all costs pertaining to the research visit including salary, travel and subsistence costs, but require visiting fellows to apply for an ERC grant within a specified time after the end of the visit.



North Sea

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